About Pattons

Serving all makes of compressed air equipment since 1945, Pattons is an industrial distributor offering compressed air solutions for all industries across the Southeast in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, and Alabama. Pattons offers compressed air, vacuum systems, process chillers, nitrogen generation, piping, and many other products and services that have enabled our customer’s operations to run smoothly.

  • A team of highly skilled Systems Specialist
  • Trained service technicians at your service 24/7
  • Dedicated customer service and inside sale supports
  • Expert Plant Compressed Air Energy Audit Team
  • Offering best-in class brands across every product segment
  • Innovative energy efficient designs for cost reduction and profit maximization

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key factors to consider when selecting the right compressed air system for my specific industrial application?

Before investing in an industrial air compressor, it’s crucial to consider the following:

  • Determine the needed air pressure and flow rate for your tools and equipment to select the right compressor size.
  • Decide between reciprocating, rotary screw, or centrifugal compressors, considering your application. Choose between oil-lubricated or oil-free compressors based on air quality requirements.
  • Choose between electric and diesel-powered compressors, depending on your location and usage.
  • Measure available space and consider installation needs, such as ventilation, cooling, and noise control.
  • Check compressor noise levels to ensure compliance with safety standards and a suitable working environment.
  • Inquire about energy-saving features, like variable speed drives, to reduce operational costs. Verify energy consumption through technical data sheets.
  • Understand maintenance requirements, including servicing, spare parts availability, and expected lifespan for cost-of-ownership evaluation.
  • Ensure the manufacturer offers a comprehensive warranty and after-sales support for your compressor.
  • Assess the ease of servicing and repairing the compressor, considering component accessibility and spare parts availability.

By addressing these questions and conducting thorough research, you’ll be well-prepared to make an informed decision when purchasing an industrial air compressor for your facility. Feel free to reach out to us for assistance in this process.

How can I ensure the energy efficiency and reliability of my compressed air system?

Ensuring the energy efficiency and reliability of your compressed air system involves several key considerations:

Leakage is a common issue in compressed air systems, often caused by aging components, improper installations, or corrosion. It’s estimated that up to 30% of compressed airflow can be lost due to leakage. Detecting and rectifying leaks is essential. Regular audits, along with maintenance programs and proper sealing, can significantly reduce future losses.

Artificial demand occurs when higher pressures are supplied than necessary for specific applications. It results in unnecessary energy consumption. Employing pressure controllers and ensuring proper selection and installation can help mitigate this issue.

Setting the correct pressure levels involves understanding the requirements, reducing pressure losses in the piping system, and establishing load and unload pressures as low as possible to meet application demands. Even a 1-bar reduction in compressor set pressure can lead to a 7% savings in energy consumption.

While some pressure loss is inevitable, it can be minimized. This starts with efficient piping design and placing production points closer together. Selecting downstream equipment with minimal pressure drop and maintaining it according to manufacturer recommendations is vital.

A well-executed audit, performed with the right partner, provides valuable insights into compressed air consumption patterns over time. It aids in detecting leaks, sizing compressors correctly, and optimizing energy use.

What maintenance and servicing requirements should I be aware of to prolong the life of my compressed air equipment?

Conduct routine inspections to identify any signs of wear, damage, or leaks in the system. Detecting issues early can prevent costly repairs or replacements.

Follow a maintenance schedule recommended by the equipment manufacturer or a qualified service provider. This includes changing filters, oil, and other components at specified intervals.

Dust and debris can accumulate, leading to reduced efficiency and potential damage. Regular cleaning minimizes these risks.

If your system uses lubricated components, ensure that they are adequately lubricated according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. This prevents excessive friction and wear

Properly tighten or replace any components that may be compromised to prevent air leakage.

Filters in the system should be changed as recommended. Clogged filters can impede airflow and strain the equipment.

Efficient condensate management is essential to prevent excess moisture in the system. This includes draining moisture traps and ensuring proper disposal of condensate.

Periodically test the quality of compressed air to ensure it meets required standards, especially if your application demands high air quality.

If your equipment includes cooling systems, check them for proper operation. Overheating can lead to premature component failure.

Regularly inspect electrical connections and control systems for any anomalies. Malfunctions in these areas can disrupt operations.

Train your staff on basic maintenance tasks and safety protocols. Well-informed personnel can help prevent issues and respond effectively to emergencies.

Develop and implement an emergency response plan in case of system breakdowns or failures. Being prepared can minimize downtime.

When in doubt or for more complex maintenance tasks, seek the assistance of trained professionals or service technicians who are experienced with compressed air equipment.

Remember that a well-maintained system not only prolongs the equipment’s lifespan but also ensures consistent performance and energy efficiency, reducing operational costs in the long run.

Need help with choosing the right compressed air system for your business?

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